Self Belief

Self Belief

Belief in the self.
Is it trusting your own judgement?
Or the belief you will not fail?
Or neither of these things?
Belief in the self
Is having faith in yourself.
Knowing that within you is
The opportunity,
The possibility,
To be whom you wish to be.
To enable you to follow
Your own life’s path.
Trusting yourself to be able
And capable of being that person.
Your achievements,
Are of secondary consequence.
For what brings these about
Is that you believe them
To be possible.
Think not of yourself as
A person in the making
But already that person.
Just be the person you want to be.
Don’t try to be that person.
Let go to that person.
Allow the person
You want to be
To take over and be
In control of your life.


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