Awaken to your Inner Magic
Awaken to your Inner Magic.
Oh, see in this picture,
My friend
The fragility
And the balance
Which lies within you?
Within all others,
Within all creation.
For as the earth
Rotates at great speed,
As it flies forwards
On it’s never ending
Journey around our sun,
There is the illusion
Of stillness in the world.
These stones stand
Because of the inner
Rhythmic dance of
The magnetic love
Each stone feels for the other,
Through the intent of their guide,
The kiss of the
Hidden inside us all.
Awaken to that part
Of yourself
Which is your own?
Gift to the world.
Shine your own light brightly
Making manifest through
Your own gift of co-creation
That you choose to share with the world,
Whatever form it may take.