Face the Shadow

Face the Shadow

Within you is the shadow
Of yourself.
That is the accumulation
Of the darker thoughts,
Words expressed and actions
Which form
A part of who
You are
And who you have been.
Many hide from this part
Of themselves.
But to no avail
For there is no escape
From the darkness
Within this place
Inside of you.
Like a prisoner in a cave
If ignored and left unheeded.
It will fester.
To free and heal
This part of ourselves,
The key is not to ignore it
In the hope it
Will disappear
Or wither away.
No, it needs to be
Acknowledged and forgiven
In order for healing to occur.
Once we do this we can allow
That part of ourselves
To rejoin our full being.
For in the shadow
There are often strengths
Which can be used for positive
Change and then
Through our acceptance
We can learn to be
The master of ourselves.


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