The song of the soul you are. The melody of the universe you are. The glow of the moon you are. The roar of the ocean you are. The radiance of the sun you are. The mystery of the night sky you are. The love for your children you are. The passion for your partner you are. The inheritance of your parents wisdom you are. The twinkle in gods eye you are. The sum of the joys of the universe you are. The wisdom of wisdoms you are. The smalls grain of sand you are. The son of the grandest sun you are. But most of all my child You are the love that created all these things and Still more.
The Buddha once came across a man and offered him the gift of enlightenment and it came in the form of a most beautiful crystal tree that the man could hold, as it was small and hand sized. The Buddha told the man," whenever you wish to feel the ecstasy of true enlightenment just pick up and hold the crystal tree that I have manifested for you as a gift from me to you". The man left having thanked the Buddha for his gift. The man revelled in his gift from the Buddha for some time, until a shop opened in his village selling crystal trees identical to the one the Buddha had given to the man. All around him the man saw other villagers carrying crystal trees the same as his and all the villagers said when they held the tree they felt as if they were 'enlightened'. This sent the man into a rage as he felt it could not be so as his crystal tree had been given to him by someone no less than the Buddha himself and their...
In your magnificence may you see the sunshine in your heart. In your beauty may you feel the full moon glow in your heart. In your magnificence may you feel the power of the Eagle that takes flight on the wings of Gods love, towards the heavens, into the lovers embrace of your humanity. Namaste.