
Showing posts from August, 2010

Surrender to Love


Self Belief

Self Belief Belief in the self. Is it trusting your own judgement? Or the belief you will not fail? Or neither of these things? Belief in the self Is having faith in yourself. Knowing that within you is The opportunity, The possibility, To be whom you wish to be. To enable you to follow Your own life’s path. Trusting yourself to be able And capable of being that person. Your achievements, Are of secondary consequence. For what brings these about Is that you believe them To be possible. Think not of yourself as A person in the making But already that person. Just be the person you want to be. Don’t try to be that person. Let go to that person. Allow the person You want to be To take over and be In control of your life.


Seashore Come my friends and join me hither, Come my friends fast don’t dither. Let me show you depths unknown, Depths below to chill the bone. Tempest wild, strong and free, Dive into your ocean, see, See no limits all around, See no constraints to hold you down. Plunge into the arms you feel, I will support its no big deal, For I am above, below, I am all there is to know, For you and I will journey ever. In time complete our joy together, For I am yours and you are mine And in our gods own gracious time, The shores that join disconnect us not, Is revealed the truth. For in the oceans sands of time, Is an eternity still sublime. For droplets you and I Create once more. Realise with open eyes The oceans gift for you and me, Unity completeness be.

Save A Place in your Heart

Save a Place in your Heart Save a place in your heart For yourself. Do not allow the illusion To grow that you are not loved. That you are not loveable. For you are as loveable As anything could Possibly be. You are as loved As the sunrise After the darkest night Of the darkest soul. For but one light illuminates all, Even those for whom Evil hold’s no contempt. For the light of grace Reaches even the smallest crevice Hidden by the darkest night. For the joy which holds always The hand of eternity Is the one hand Outstretched As ever To us all.


Responsibility Be responsible to yourself And for yourself. You are responsible for your own life. No one else has that responsibility. Your life is in your hands And no other, except gods. Accept god into your life And he will take responsibility, Not for your action, Your actions are of your own choosing. But for your fate. For your fate is god’s responsibility only. For there is no other. So responsibility is shared, Between you and god. Each united in their own fate. Equally dependant on the other, choose wisely. Allow god the responsibility. Choose peace and your actions will lead you home.


Poetry Poetry is a form of communication Of the written word, expressed In rhythm and rime with love and Beauty, to uplift, inspire and Liberate the reader. Allow your poetry to uplift and Inspire the reader with its beauty Love and wisdom And trust That in so doing that you will Improve the life of others Through your communication with them.

Our Beauty is Within

Our Beauty is Within Our beauty is within As much as it is all Around us. Seek out your own beauty And the beauty In all whom you meet. Then that beauty Will be reflected Back always.

Loves Embrace

Loves Embrace A dream relived A thousand times. The face longed for But never seen. The embrace yearned for Though never felt. Love denied To another And thy own self. A past life remembered perhaps. To recapture that departed love From a yesterday Long gone, Yet so recent, The after glow Still felt. The embers of a heart, Still smouldering From the touch Just broken. A lifetime’s memory Lost in the mists Of eternity.                                           

Love Together

Love Together What is love I hear you say! Between two people it is respect. It is thoughtfulness towards each other. Care and nurturing through good and bad. Love is about making allowances And forgiving each other. But not condoning unfairness Or controlling actions. Love is saying sorry when ‘Sorry’ is due. It is about finding the courage To communicate your truths. Also it is about conferring When important decisions need to be made. It is about compromise Much of the time. But not compromising oneself. Loving another is often about Putting ones own happiness After another’s happiness. It is about seeking the best For the other and not just for Oneself. Love is journeying and growing Together. It is about having fun, playing And loving together. It is about just enjoying The moment in togetherness.

Let go of The Snake

Let go of the Snake When you are angry, When you hold on to resentment Or bitterness Towards another person Or some circumstance, See yourself As holding on to a live poisonous snake Within your own hands, Arms outstretched to keep it As far from yourself as possible. But still you are holding on to the snake. As long as you do You are as much its prisoner As the snake is your prisoner. You are not free. You are not truly alive, Your anger, bitterness And resentment Hold you prisoner too, Let the snake go free, In doing so You set yourself free as well. Once again peace can Return within yourself. 


Forgiveness Allow your suffering to subside Like the ebb of the tide. Do not hold fast to past hurt as All have their failings. Each persons focus and world Is created around themselves, This is nature’s way, It is a fine balance Between selfishness And selflessness. When you allow your pain To fly away you set yourself free. Free to be present In the present moment. Into that space within you That you have cleared, Will come peace and joy. Your sorrows will melt From you and the sun Can once again shine In your heart. Your countenance of joy Will bolster others in times Of their own sorrow And you will be a light Unto the world.


Fear There are many faces on the veil Some are more frightening than others. But fear has an energy of its own, Invest not by focusing upon it. Seek out those imposters, Thoughts born through Doubt and distress And lay them to rest. Let go and fly freely. Do not be a slave to that, which holds you prisoner, Allowing your illusion to dictate and rule your life. You are much too great To be consumed by some emotion or other. You are divine, You are infinite, You are all knowing and wise. Remember who you truly are When your fear descends upon you. Hold fast to your truth, Hold fast to your true nature. You are immortal in the sands of time, You are immortal in the eyes of god.


Enlightenment Open your eyes my sons and daughters Open your ears my sons and daughters, Open all your senses my sons daughters. What do you see around you renewed? Do you not see with greater clarity? Do you not hear with greater clarity? Do you not feel with greater clarity? You are the creator of all you see, But a dream of forgetfulness Separates us from conscious Awareness of our true Divine union. We are one and the same. Your hand is in mine And mine in yours always. We dance our dances together And our lovers embrace Are ours and ours alone. Yet all share this same embrace We are one entity on A voyage and journey of discovery. In your awakening we will dance Again in full knowledge And remembrance of our true selves. Our eyes will see afresh A new vision. The truth behind the façade, The light that shines Within you is the consciousness Of the god we all share.


Detachment Think of your thoughts as clouds in the sky. They come and go. Is the sky or the clouds your focus. The sky is never changing, The clouds are always changing. Know that you are truly like the sky, Rather than the clouds. Let your darker thoughts pass,   In the same way those clouds pass. Focus on your inner you, Your centre of peace within your heart. This is your own sky within, It does not change. Watch your thoughts as they come and go, Without passing judgement Or feeling distressed by some. Pay no importance to them. They are like lights, Which flash but for a moment. You are not your thoughts. You are not your mind. You are consciousness itself shared by all. Like the cloudless sky Pure in all its beauty.

Awaken to your Inner Magic

Awaken to your Inner Magic. Oh, see in this picture, My friend The fragility And the balance Which lies within you? Within all others, Within all creation. For as the earth Rotates at great speed, As it flies forwards On it’s never ending Journey around our sun, There is the illusion Of stillness in the world. These stones stand Because of the inner Rhythmic dance of The magnetic love Each stone feels for the other, Through the intent of their guide, The kiss of the Co-creator, Hidden inside us all. Awaken to that part Of yourself Which is your own? Gift to the world. Shine your own light brightly Making manifest through Your own gift of co-creation That you choose to share with the world, Whatever form it may take.

A Child

Time Waits for Mr. Nobody Time is our enemy If we let it become such. Do not pause between each breath. Do not pause to forget The gift which each moment brings. For contained within the pause, Is the amnesia of Mr Nobody Who lives beneath the blanket Of your own creation. He who breaths the kiss Of the stale breath Which is the loss from your consciousness Of whom you truly are. For you are the gift of the present Holding within the moment Your connection with the breath Which breaths life into Mr Nobody and all.

Time Waits for Mr. Nobody

Time Waits for Mr. Nobody Time is our enemy If we let it become such. Do not pause between each breath. Do not pause to forget The gift which each moment brings. For contained within the pause, Is the amnesia of Mr Nobody Who lives beneath the blanket Of your own creation. He who breaths the kiss Of the stale breath Which is the loss from your consciousness Of whom you truly are. For you are the gift of the present Holding within the moment Your connection with the breath Which breaths life into Mr Nobody and all.

The Sacred

The Sacred The space we seek Is but a moment. The heart we seek is But a fleeting spiral Of stardust. For along the way Our dreams turn Into forget-me-nots And our fears turn into Illusions of our mind’s night. Rest a moment, Reflect for that moment That you and I are one. Remember who you are, The source of the love That you seek, With such undiminished Passion.

Love is the Key

Love is the Key The source of life, The key to happiness. The life you seek, The love you yearn for. They reside not In some far distant place. This is within you all. It always was. It always will be so. We crave the mothers touch, A father’s embrace, Your brothers hug, A sister’s smile. Within your own heart, They always reside. Open the doors To your own heart. Each time you close them yourself. This is natural, It is life, The way of the world. But it is in the remembering, To take your own key And unlock, your own lock, To your own door in your own heart, Again and again, Through your forgiveness and trust and faith. Seek the quality of love and selflessness within your own heart. Then the love that is within you and around you always, The love that you truly are will emanate and shine forth From you and within you and your own embrace for your own self, Will hold you tight and secure in this world and beyond.  


JOY Embrace the beloved that you are. Entice the true nature that you hold. Seduce the beauty that lies within you. Shower your radiance into the world.

I Am

I Am I am the one, who protects, The call that beckons, Even though you thrall. I expand your vision, I extend your song. I was always there, Even when you were wrong. I am your day, I am your night. I show the way Through fear or fright. I am your heaven, I am your earth, Throughout your death, Throughout your birth. I am your breath, The heart that beats. I lead the way, we are Entwined. Though journey long and far, Through success or defeat, The custom kept, Our lives do meet, Upon a mountain high, In oceans deep. My vision stirs, To be rejoined, on earth our lives do meet.


Gentleness Nature teaches us to be gentle, If we let it. It nurtures and protects us. It gives us love and inspiration. Observe nature that is around you Today and each day. It teaches us to be flexible in life. It shows us that constant change Is natural, A part of life’s flow. Become yourself an embodiment of nature. Try to be flexible and change when Circumstances dictate. Gentleness is an appreciation of nature.


Family We are all one family, All people of this earth. The earth is part Of this family and All are interdependent on the other. Nothing exists in isolation. Look around you and see More of the interconnectivity of things.   How each relies on another in some way. The family unit is no different To this global family for Each feeds and nourishes the others. Nurture strength of spirit, Teach forgiveness and righteousness In your family. Set the example to those you raise. Teach them about the god Within all creation. Be kind and helpful To them in all ways. In time such practice will spread To all beings, For the father is father to all And the mother is the mother to all. In truth there is only one family.

The Journey from Fear to Love

The Journey From Fear to Love   Fear leads to love,   For each are at different ends of a spectrum, Which connects all experience.   You cannot have one without the other.   If you only know white and not black,   How do you know it is white? If you only know love,   How do you know it is love? Without ever experiencing fear. Fear helps to bring love into focus, into view. The aim once seen is to keep the focus on love and not on fear.   They are like the different sides of the same coin. This shows how fear is so readily present and available.   It is just a matter of choice. Which do you choose in each moment, fear or love?

Set Yourself Free

Set Yourself Free As you breathe in and out, As the heart beats, As the earth turns, As day turns to night And as the days and years pass, Grow not only in mindfulness, But also in spirit. Remember to love yourself And those around you, Remember to forgive yourself And to forgive others for their part in your sorrows. Through doing so You will set yourself free, To reach the highest levels of your own potential. Do not limit yourself, In the way others would limit you, Do not take “no” for an answer, When in your heart “yes” is the path for you To move forwards. Do not let old or new fears stand in your way, Or block you from achieving That which you came here to ‘achieve’. For in your achievements Lie your growth and greater Potential to show others The way forward. Through your own courage, You give others courage To challenge their own selves To endeavour to reach The tops of the mountains, They in turn wish to climb. To help each choose there own path, To there own summit. For ...

Sold To The Highest Buddha

Sold to the Highest Buddha How much do you bid For this life my friend. A life in which your soul chooses The country of your birth and The parents to suit your karma, Which will most surely unfold The rich tapestry of your past. The lessons to make amends For hurts gone by, Lost to your mind But not your soul. To begin a life anew, Let your intuition guide you and May your compassion be The vehicle to drive you. Choose peace to be Your constant guide Through the challenges that you face   In this life and the next, Until enlightenment Knocks at your door. Only to open to A new adventure Of greater growth And experience.


Beliefs Our beliefs we hold dear, Hold them close to your heart. Let them not be stolen By the thief in the night Which is the doubt That skulks in the shadows of your fear. Saviour that which you know to be true, Cherish and nurture the jewel That is your own wisdom. Know that what you hold dear Is yours to own and share as you please. Do not let your treasure Be denied by others, Worry not and move on. For they have their own treasure, Different to yours. So cherish your beliefs. Holding them lightly For they may change In time, then Like the butterfly Take flight Its beauty released To fly freely And change the world. 

Within Your Heart

Within Your Heart Within the stillness of the heart beats the heart of the world, Within the heart of the world beats the one heart shared by all, Within our individual heart god speaks to us all, Within your heart resides the god that you are, Within your heart is the truth that you are and that all share.


TRUST To trust is to surrender to the divine. The divine within and all around you. To the love that surrounds And supports you always. Let go to the knower within. Allow love to flow unhindered Within and through you. Share it with others, So they in turn are encouraged To do likewise. Trust in the true self Then you will know how to live. God sees all, And knows all. All are held within the Hands of god. All are known in the mind of god. All that is, Is god.


Treasure Across a sea I came to you, On a ship emblazoned in light. A desire was the wind upon its sail, And a dream was the current That drew it towards your heart. Your soul cried out into the dark night’s sky. Into the heat of the sun. Your every sinew and fibre Yearned for the food that is my wisdom. You allowed the knowledge to come to your own shore. You did not seek it out, With your own physical self. Your call, your souls wish, Drew my ship unto you. So it is for all, If you wish. Within you lies an unseen power, To create your   own ship To carry the treasure, You seek in your heart To your door.

Trust in God

Trust In God To trust is to surrender to the divine. The divine within and all around you. To the love that surrounds And supports you always. Let go to the part of you That knows within. Allow love to flow unhindered Within and through you. Share it with others, So they in turn are encouraged To do likewise. God sees all, And knows all. All are held within the Hands of god. All is known in the mind of god. All that is, Is god.

Face the Shadow

Face the Shadow Within you is the shadow Of yourself. That is the accumulation Of the darker thoughts, Words expressed and actions Which form A part of who You are And who you have been. Many hide from this part Of themselves. But to no avail For there is no escape From the darkness Within this place Inside of you. Like a prisoner in a cave If ignored and left unheeded. It will fester. To free and heal This part of ourselves, The key is not to ignore it In the hope it Will disappear Or wither away. No, it needs to be Acknowledged and forgiven In order for healing to occur. Once we do this we can allow That part of ourselves To rejoin our full being. For in the shadow There are often strengths Which can be used for positive Change and then Through our acceptance We can learn to be The master of ourselves.

Let go of Your Anger

Let Go of your Anger Let go of your anger, For it serves you not. You do not need it To increase your strength, Or to use it like A weapon For your own defence. For within you Resides the warrior That you have Created. Your warrior is at hand, Whenever the need Arises, To call on its power. Use your assertiveness And inner strength For positive change. In the world That you share.

As You Breathe

As You Breathe As you breathe in and out, As the heart beats, As the earth turns, As day turns to night And as the days and years pass, Grow not only in mindfulness, But also in spirit. Remember to love yourself And those around you, Remember to forgive yourself And to forgive others for their part in your sorrows. Through doing so You will set yourself free, To reach the highest levels of your own potential. Do not limit yourself, In the way others would limit you Do not take “no” for an answer, When in your heart “yes” is the path for you To move along. Do not let old or new fears stand in your way, Or block you from achieving That which you came here to achieve. For in your achievements Lie your growth and greater Potential to show others The way forward. Through your own courage, You give others courage To challenge themselves.

Listen To The Silence

Listen To The Silence Listen to the silence    Within and around you. Within the silence Is the peace you seek. Within the peace You seek Is the love you seek. Within the love You seek, Is the truth You seek. Within the truth You seek, Is the God You seek. Within the God You seek, You will find Who you truly seek. When you find Who you truly seek You will know That you are God And that God Is all there is.

A Ripple

A Ripple When a penny drops, When a pebble falls into the pond, A ripple goes out through the mind, Through the body, The environment, Through the world And beyond. A thought does not stop at the edge Of the beholder. It is shared with all, Positive or negative, The ripple spreads out thus. Let your thoughts be organic, Let your minds live in love, Allow love to spread across your lands.

Loves Surrender

Love’s Surrender Let go like the seagull That drifts on the sea breeze. Let go to the whisper So close and Yet so far. Ignore not the inner voice Which whispers In your heart. For all is known And all is seen. Nothing escapes the gaze Of the silent witness Within us all. Love’s surrender Is but allowing The embrace Of the beloved Of all beings. The being With no beginning And no end. That which knows All there is to know. That which You truly are.

Climb Your Inner Mountain

Climb Your Inner Mountain In each there is a mountain to climb. Raise your eyes to the summit, Take but one step at a time. Know that in the course of your journey upwards There will be times when you may slip back. No step is ever wasted however, Each experience is another step towards your summit. Know that when you reach your summit, You will see many other peaks around you. These are the peaks that others have achieved. Viewed from a distance There is but one mountain range. Many tribulations have led to their creation, The journey may have been challenging, Yet the view from the summit expands all our horizons.

The wounded Child

The Wounded Child Oh, fly my young ones From thy nest. Fly my young ones From the breast. Thy mothers arms Or fathers chest. Without love And alone you Stand remote Without the Parental love To out The troubles, woes Which impede thy growth. For fears to hide Or lurk remote. Hiding in the crevices Of thy mind. A padlock on your Heart. So go and find your key Unlock the lock Upon thy heart. Set free the dove And aloft divine Set free your troubled Brow my son. Once more be Held upon Natures wings divine.

Spirit Dance

Spirit Dance May your spirit Dance my friends To the age in which You live. For this age is one When the voice of all Speaks. Through the interconnectedness Of your World, The wide web of life. It draws you closer And closer. More than ever before So that you May speak To each other. As if together in one room. Yet you Have shared this  Sacred space,  This earth all Along.


Manifestation To manifest is to create. Within you lies the power Of creation, For you and the creator are one. The mind is the tool, Mind is the builder. Use your mind to manifest That which you wish To bring into being. Hold your focus Of thought, word and deed. Do not become attached To your outcome. Allow it to manifest Naturally through the Divine flow. Otherwise you will block The paths of potential Which remain latent At your disposal. Thank the lord Prior to that which You wish to be made manifest And through such gratitude And focus, Your dreams will Become real.


Unity What is unity? I hear you say. Unity is the oneness of things. Unity is the face which makes the sun sing, To radiate light, To radiate love, To radiate joy. Unity is the oneness of things. It shows you the way, It glows in your heart, It was you and me Right from the start. What does it mean? What does it say? How do we know it won’t go away? It holds stuff together For ever and ever. It impregnates our mind, It flows through our soul. It is with us wherever we go. Galaxies galore, Universes on mass. I see through them all, May sound ever so crass. They came from the womb, The mind that we share. So we could play for all time In the midst of our stare.

Time waits For Mr Nobody

Time Waits for Mr. Nobody Time is our enemy If we let it become such. Do not pause between each breath. Do not pause to forget The gift which each moment brings. For contained within the pause, Is the amnesia of Mr Nobody Who lives beneath the blanket Of your own creation. He who breaths the kiss Of the stale breath Which is the loss from your consciousness Of whom you truly are. For you are the gift of the present Holding within the moment Your connection with the breath Which breaths life into Mr Nobody and all.


Sorrow Sorrow is forgetting the truth. The truth of who you are, The true nature of Your true being. It is allowing the clouds Of your dark thoughts And emotions to blanket Out the sun Which radiates from within you. It is the choosing Of sorrow instead of allowing The font of love and wisdom within To hold the upper hand.


Treasure Across a sea I came to you On a ship emblazoned in light, A desire was the wind upon its sail And a dream was the current That drew it towards your heart. Your soul cried out into the dark night’s sky, Into the heat of the sun. Your every sinew and fibre Yearned for the food that is my wisdom. You allowed the knowledge to come to your own shore. You did not seek it out, With your own physical self. Your call, your souls wish, Drew my ship unto you. So it is for all, If you wish. Within you lies an unseen power To create your ship To carry the treasure You seek in your heart To your door.

Love Is The Key

Love is the Key The source of life, The key to happiness. The life you seek, The love you yearn for. They reside not In some far distant place. This is within you all. It always was. It always will be so. We crave the mothers touch, A father’s embrace, Your brothers hug, A sister’s smile. Within your own heart, They always reside. Open the doors To your own heart. Each time you close them yourself. This is natural, It is life, The way of the world. But it is in the remembering, To take your own key And unlock, your own lock, To your own door in your own heart, Again and again, Through your forgiveness and trust and faith. Seek the quality of love and selflessness within your own heart. Then the love that is within you and around you always, The love that you truly are will emanate and shine forth From you and within you and your own embrace for your own self, Will hold you tight and secure in this world and beyond.  

Joy Is The LIght

Joy is the Light Joy is the light which shines Forever in your heart, If you allow it. From joy comes your wisdom, from wisdom your joy. Follow your heart in all things, Let your intuition Guide you ever. Man was made to be joyful. To live in denial of this, Is to live in denial of the existence Of god. Do not deny your true nature.

When War Is Wrong

WHEN WAR IS WRONG When war is wrong, when war is right. Two men they stand to fight. They stand to fight, for wrongs perceived. They stand to fight, though brave indeed. But come the battle and come the close. The two men stand and stare and stroke, their injured friends their injured mind’s. Memories shared of all the dead    on a battlefield left unsaid.

The Teacher You Seek

The Teacher You Seek The teacher you seek Resides not in some Far distant place But within your own self. The teacher is resident Within all of us, If we but stop and listen. Always there watching and advising. Prick up your ears, Open your eyes To the eternal truth. Your teacher and You the student are one And the same. Your destiny is known Only to your soul Which resides Within the heart of God. Your instruction book, Your road map To your own higher purpose. Is yours and yours alone.

Seek Out Your Fears

Seek out your Fears Seek out your fears to conquer, Challenge that part of yourself which hides. Do not allow illusion to cower you, or Any sense of inadequacy to diminish you. You cannot be diminished. Allow your light to shine brightly For all to see and stare at. For your beacon burns bright in the night sky And your light illuminates a thousand and more universes. Your life blood flows strongly in all whom you meet. Bring back your sense of purpose, Bring back your sense of self-esteem. Pick up your pen and write verses. Lift up your heart from the pain and suffering from times gone by. Now is the time to nurture your own sense of self. Dream your dreams and fulfil them, Set your sights high and aim straight my son. Your time is now to accomplish these things and more my son. Now is the time to seize the day and do it anyway. Write if the desire takes you. Sing if you wish to sing aloud. Have fun and play if you want to. Don’t put off today what you cannot take with you.  


Marriage Marriage is the binding of two souls On their journey through life. To assist and guide each other When times are difficult. To enjoy the happy times together. To share each others ups and downs. To assist the other to grow, Emotionally, spiritually and mentally. To blossom together as rounded And grounded individuals. If children are blessed upon the couple, Then their purpose is to bring them up in a loving, safe and Secure environment. To teach them spiritual values;- Truth, righteousness, love, loyalty and forgiveness. To raise them through example and selflessness. In all marriage is a union Through god to help serve all humanity As well as ones own family. To assist in making the world a peaceful and loving place In which to live and enjoy life.

The Embrace

The Embrace A dream relived A thousand times. The face longed for But never seen. The embrace yearned for Though never felt. Love denied To another And my own self. A past life remembered, To recapture that long since Departed love from a yesterday Long gone, Yet so recent, The memories Still felt. The embers of my heart, Still smouldering From the touch Just broken. Lost to the mists Of   the memory Within my soul.                                            


Fear There are many faces on the veil Some are more frightening than others. But fear has an energy of its own, Invest not by focusing upon it. Seek out those imposters, Thoughts born through Doubt and distress And lay them to rest. Let go and fly freely. Do not be a slave to that, which holds you prisoner, Allowing your illusion to dictate and rule your life. You are much too great To be consumed by some emotion or other. You are divine, You are infinite, You are all knowing and wise. Remember who you truly are When your fear descends upon you. Hold fast to your truth, Hold fast to your true nature. You are immortal in the sands of time, You are immortal in the eyes of god.


Enlightenment Open your eyes my sons and daughters Open your ears my sons and daughters, Open all your senses my sons daughters. What do you see around you renewed? Do you not see with greater clarity? Do you not hear with greater clarity? Do you not feel with greater clarity? You are the creator of all you see, But a dream of forgetfulness Separates us from conscious Awareness of our true Divine union. We are one and the same. Your hand is in mine And mine in yours always. We dance our dances together And our lovers embrace Are ours and ours alone. Yet all share this same embrace We are one entity on A voyage and journey of discovery. In your awakening we will dance Again in full knowledge And remembrance of our true selves. Our eyes will see afresh A new vision. The truth behind the façade, The light that shines Within you is the consciousness Of the god we all share.

The Soldier Stood Before You

The Soldier Stood Before You The soldier stood before you Is your own reflection. Different, perhaps From a foreign shore. Look at the rifle you hold Containing the bullet With the inscription Upon its case. It is your name Whoever, Should it strike? The coffin reserved For the body of the soul It kills, is your Body whoever it should be. For all souls Have emerged From the one soul. So it is you And you alone At whom Your gun is pointed And it is you And you only That you kill In your battle with yourself. Even though your Victim wears A uniform different To your own. So think twice Oh noble men of war. Then ask the question, ‘Who am I shooting really?’

The Silent Witness

The Silent Witness As the silent witness I come to you, Aware of all you say and do. I listen in and watch and stare. In every moment I am there. I touch your breast And hold you close. I am the embodiment The Holy Ghost. Gods own spirit Divine and true. I walk hand in hand Guiding through. Through the maze That life presents. Through the challenges, I circumvent, Difficulties, dangers. Lies, deceit I do avoid. I make complete Your consciousness Sublime, yet true.   

The Power Of Tibet

The Power of Tibet.   Nothing happens by coincidence, Like a flower that sheds its petals upon the wind. Like the dandelion seed dispersed. So the people of Tibet were scattered To the four corners of the globe, So that their beliefs Could take root And grow in foreign soil, On distant lands. So that their beliefs could germinate in the hearts of others And peace could grow around the world.


MAGIC What is magic? A space in time That no one sees. A light in space Which no one believes? A time when you and I Left our yesterday’s behind. A space in time, For our forget-me-nots. What is magic? A memory long cherished Of a love supreme. A hearts desire, A passion born. When time stands still, Just for you and I. When as one we know our true self, For you and I have travelled far To reach this point. For all has past in the blink of an eye, Yet in the dance of eternities wings Unfolds the chapter, All do seek.

Love's Surrender

Love’s Surrender Let go like the seagull That drifts on the sea breeze. Let go to the whisper So close and Yet so far. Ignore not the inner voice Which whispers In your heart. For all is known And all is seen. Nothing escapes the gaze Of the silent witness Within us all. Love’s surrender Is but allowing The embrace Of the beloved Of all beings. The being With no beginning And no end. That which knows All there is to know. That which You truly are.


Freedom Oh, soar my friend Like the mighty eagle. Surrendering your fears One by one and As you soar higher and higher Into the oneness, Which all truly are, Know as you do so, that Each fear shed, Is the start of a new beginning And that each new door Open’s up to a new you, With a new potential future, Allowing your dream, Whatever it may be To come that bit closer To its realisation.


War Oh, noblest men of war, Your eyes are closed, It is your brother you fight. For in the midst of time You have forgotten Who you truly are. The radiance of each soul Is torn by perceived differences, Of opinion, Colour of skin, Or simply even by nation’s Which you see as home. Though you do not belong, Even to this earth. For earth’s song, Is not the song, Which any of you sing, In the depth of your being. In truth you are the symphony, Of the almighty orchestra. With time you will find The harmony, Which reveals your truth? That you are upon this earth, But not of it.                               


CONSCIENCE What is the conscience? It is the part of you that Hears and sees all things. The part that is always awake. Always clear. The part of you that knows. It is the mind of god That we all share, Resident within you. Through your heart You make the connection. Develop trust and faith In the knowing within. Let it guide and lead you always. It will never fail you.

Face The Shadow

Face the Shadow Within you is the shadow Of yourself. That is the accumulation Of the darker thoughts, Words expressed and actions Which form A part of who You are And who you have been. Many hide from this part Of themselves. But to no avail For there is no escape From the darkness Within this place Inside of you. Like a prisoner in a cave If ignored and left unheeded. It will fester. To free and heal This part of ourselves, The key is not to ignore it In the hope it Will disappear Or wither away. No, it needs to be Acknowledged and forgiven In order for healing to occur. Once we do this we can allow That part of ourselves To rejoin our full being. For in the shadow There are often strengths Which can be used for positive Change and then Through our acceptance We can learn to be The master of ourselves.

Listen To The Silence

Listen To The Silence Listen to the silence   Within and around you. Within the silence Is the peace you seek. Within the peace You seek Is the love you seek. Within the love You seek, Is the truth You seek. Within the truth You seek, Is the God You seek. Within the God You seek, You will find Who you truly seek. When you find Who you truly seek You will know That you are God And that God Is all there is.