Awakening to Love.

As a retired Dorset Police officer who spent thirty years serving around the county, even I was surprised to hear today, that forty percent of the calls which the police now receive are related to mental health issues! What is going on? Many will ask. We all know many factors play into the reasons for this exponential increase in mental health problems for people in recent years, so I do not think I need to list them. However, what I do believe needs to be addressed among the more obvious reasons for this dip in the mental well-being of society in general, is the ‘void’ of emptiness that so many people complain of feeling within themselves and often for no apparent reason.
This is in my opinion driven by the neglect of the spiritual well-being of the individual. This is largely because of the lack of spiritual teaching during the upbringing of most people that we receive especially here in the western world these days. The materialism all around us, is enforced by our capitalist driven system of living and the exam driven methods of education only reinforces this this feeling of emptiness too, I believe.
 As a society in general we are in many cases cut off from our connection with nature and the peace, calm and health enhancing qualities that we derive from such.
The politics of austerity have of course only added to societies problems and anxieties by adding financial pressures on many and making it more difficult for some to reclaim their inner calm. Yet, if we all lived in safe communities as our indigenous ancestors once did, close to nature and the rhythms of both our inner selves and nature, with all the support true community living offered, plus no digital devices, then I am sure we would all be healthier and happier. Add into the mix, a plant based diet and plenty of exercise we would all be sorted in my opinion. However, that is not possible. So, then what?
I have just spent two years writing a book part time in the Royal Lion Hotel in Lyme Regis, near to where I live and with a pot of tea for company while I wrote my first book. Part of the objective, was to find a way out of the pain of this spiritual famine that so many of us suffer from and which is what I believe to be the cause of the emptiness that so many of us are left feeling.
The book is called ‘Awakening to Love’ and is published by Balboa Press UK. It is about ‘the spiritual aspect to consciousness, universal love and awareness’. It takes an unusual format- of my questions, followed by channeled answers which come, I was told, from within the same ocean of consciousness which we all are and share at the deepest level. So, dive in and take a look if you dare! The book is available online at various address including amazon and


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